Michigan Clinicians Lead on CLimate Smart HealthCare
Campaign Mission Statement
Empower Michigan practitioners to form climate leadership teams that will challenge their healthcare institutions to achieve the ambitious climate mitigation and preparedness goals that are paramount to the health of the communities they serve.
​ Facilitate collaboration between practitioner leadership teams to inspire best practices that will ensure equitable and robust climate smart healthcare centered on the voices of disproportionately impacted communities and the clinicians that serve them.
Additional Resources
September 12th Panel
The health sector accounts for 8.5% of US emission.
We know that climate change will have reaching health impacts, especially for frontline communities. Serving our patients means curbing our emissions.
Decarbonization is preventative care. Encourage your hospital system to sign The White House/HHS Health Sector Climate Pledge to decarbonize and prepare.
What is Climate Smart Health Care?
According to our partner organization Healthcare Without Harm, climate smart healthcare is "low emissions, resilient health care and provides a three pillar framework for health sector climate engagement and leadership:
Mitigation Resilience Leadership
This definition is put into action in the HHS pledge put forth by the Biden administration, which encourages hospitals to take steps towards climate smart healthcare through decarbonization and resiliency planning.
The Michigan Clinicians Lead on Climate Smart Healthcare Campaign center both the HCWA definition and HHS pledge to support clinicians using their voices in Michigan. Read more about our Clinician Climate & Care teams below!
How to Get Involved
Join clinicians from your hospital system to encourage your administration to sign the HHS pledge and take concrete steps towards decarbonization community-led resiliency planning. Clinician Climate & Care Advocacy Teams are supported by MiCCA but run by clinicians in hospital systems across Michigan. You know your hospital and your administration best. Your voice as a healthcare provider and hospital employee is a powerful tool in the fight to decarbonize and prepare for care during climate emergencies. Join a CCCA Team here.
Questions first? Email us here!
Additional Resources
To get started, consider watch our onboarding webinar to hear how experts define climate smart healthcare and share their insights on how we get there.
For further resources, see our Key Resources for Healthcare Professional Sustainability Groups.
For even more informations, check out this living document of resources including webinar links, publications, and first steps for Clinician Climate & Care Advocacy (CCCA) teams.
Resource sections:
Organizing and Action
First steps, agendas, and recruitment tools for CCCA teams ​
Webinars, publications, websites, and handouts that provide talking points, background, and funding information for resiliency and decarbonization efforts​
Connection and Coalition Building
Networks and organizations for additional resources and power building
Have something to add? Email Lauren
Thanks to everyone who joined us for our September 12th campaign onboarding event!
You can watch the recording here to hear from Climate Smart Healthcare Experts. Then fill out the form here to take action within your hospital group!
Thank you To our Panelists!
More about our Speakers:

Aparna Bole, MD
Aparna Bole is Senior Consultant at U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in addition to her position as adjunct associate professor of pediatrics at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. Prior to these appointments, Dr. Aparna Bole served Cleveland as a primary care pediatrician. Throughout her many roles she has demonstrated her commitment to pediatric environmental health, sustainable & inclusive urban design as a public health imperative, and advocating for sustainable healthcare practices.
Amy Collins, MD
Dr. Amy Collins is an emergency physician in the Boston suburbs and a sustainable health care professional. She founded the sustainability committee at MetroWest Medical Center in 2007 and led the sustainability efforts there for seven years, earning significant recognition. Following her role as a sustainable health care consultant for Vanguard Health Systems, she now serves as the Medical Director for Physician Engagement and Education at Health Care Without Harm leading their Physician Network to support physicians and medical students interested in promoting climate-smart health care and other climate solutions. She speaks internationally about the intersection between climate change, health and health care.

Shanda Demerest, DNP, RN, PHN
Shanda Demerest is the Associate Director for Climate Engagement and Education at Health Care Without Harm and Practice Greenhealth, where she accelerates climate smart health care delivery throughout the sector via decarbonization and climate resilience. A cardiovascular nurse by background, Demorest supports health sector sustainability professionals in prioritizing the human health aspects of climate change to build a more environmentally sustainable and equitable health industry. She also serves as an Affiliate Faculty member at the University of Minnesota School of Nursing.
Chip Amoe, JD
Chip Amoe is the Director of Sustainability and leads the Office of Sustainability at Michigan State University. Proceeding this appointment, Chip established and led the first Office for Sustainability for Henry Ford Health building on 15 years in sustainability with Henry Ford as well as the American Society of Anesthesiologists and American Medical Association. Chip holds law degree and Master of Public Administration with a concentration in urban and regional affairs from the University of Pittsburgh and was recognized by Crain's Detroit Business in their 2022 list of "Notable Leaders in Sustainability".

Joel Charles, MD
Dr. Joel Charles is a family physician practicing in rural southwest Wisconsin where he serves as Medical Director for the Kickapoo Valley Medical Clinic. He received his MD and Master of Public Health degrees –the latter focusing on climate and health– from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. He helped found Healthy Climate Wisconsin, a fast growing group of health professionals committed to advocating for equitable solutions to the climate crisis in order to protect Wisconsinites.