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Elizabeth (Lisa) DelBuono, MD 

President & Founder
After completing her residency in anatomic pathology at the University of Michigan and staying on as an assistant professor for a short time, Lisa spent most of her professional career practicing in Traverse City, MI with expertise in GI and breast pathology.

In 2012, Lisa woke up to the fact that our climate was rapidly changing and that urgent collective action was needed. So, in early 2013, she became a Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL) volunteer. Now, she serves as the State Liaison Coordinator for CCL and co-leads CCL's Health Action Team.

In early 2020, Lisa co-founded Michigan Clinicians for Climate Action (MiCCA) with the desire to utilize the trusted healthcare voice to educate the public and policymakers about the health benefits of addressing climate change.
You can reach Lisa at
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Cindy Nack (Wikstrom)

Director of Operations
Cindy Nack is MiCCA's part-time Director of Operations.  She brings over 19 years of non-profit association management experience.  She loves to play volleyball and enjoys coaching middle school volleyball.  Cindy loves animals and also owns a Pet Nanny company where she takes care of animals in the client's home while they are away. She is excited to be part of the MiCCA team!  You can reach Cindy at
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Nyanna Slaughter-Smith

Director of
Engagement & Communications
Nyanna Slaughter is our part-time Director of Engagement & Communications and Administrative Assistant.  She is a community advocate from Pittsfield, Massachusetts with experience with children, politics, the criminal justice system, and entrepreneurship. A dedicated public servant committed to seeking
change in the justice, economic, social, and political system.  Nyanna enjoys sports, writing poetry, family, food, personal development and traveling. You can reach Nyanna at


Lauren Church
Executive Director
Lauren Church worked for MiCCA as an administrative assistant when we were launching in 2020. She has since graduated with her BA in Biology and Public Health from Harvard College. She worked for a year as a research technician studying carbon and nutrient cycling in terrestrial and, especially below-ground, systems.

Lauren is excited to come back to MiCCA in a policy-oriented role as she transitions from research to applied work. Lauren plans on applying for graduate school and would like to work at the nexus of environmental policy, health and equity, and regional planning and conservation. 

Lauren grew up in Benzie County and is enthusiastic about returning home to Michigan to be involved in an organization that recognizes the inextricable links between the health of the land and of the people of her home state.  You can reach Lauren at
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Jada Robinson
Climate Health & Equity Coordinator
Jada Robinson is our full-time Climate Health Equity Coordinator. Jada is a junior majoring in Public Health at the University of Michigan-Flint. She’s very passionate about tackling health disparities especially ones revolved around environmental justice. Jada also enjoys reading, journaling, and going on nature walks. You can reach out to Jada at
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