Our Work

National & State Level
Policy Advocacy
We bring the health professional voice to state and national policy conversations– and to bring those conversations back to you, the health professionals, too.
Subscribe to our newsletter to get updates about the policies affecting health and climate today & opportunities for you to speak up as a health professional.
Grassroots Level
Our Campaigns
While our power comes from collective action, we know all good movements are rooted in place.
Visit our campaign pages to see how you can get involved in your community or hospital system:

Individual level
Education & Engagement

Join us monthly for educational webinars (often CME/CE eligible!) and action calls to keep up on climate health information. Check out our calendar here for our next event- usually held the third Thursday and fourth Friday of the month.
We do our best to provide Michigan-specific information on the environmental topics that affect your patients and prepare you to add your voice. Subscribe to our newsletter and see our events page to register for the next meeting.